January 8, 2010

Warm Beef Salad | Xa Lach Bo

Something quick, simple, and satisfying.

Marinade strips of beef with fish sauce, salt, black pepper, pepper flakes, sambal chili paste, sliced shallots, and minced garlic.

I like to used hanging tender - it's flavorful, usually not tough, cooks well, and isn't dry.

Prepare some lettuce of your choice (I'm using Iceberg) and sliced boiled eggs.

Stir-fry quickly over high heat in a slightly oiled frying pan. Add a few spoons of water to create a sauce.

Pour beef with sauce over the lettuce and egg. A squeeze of lemon or lime all over and served with rice.


  1. Looks very tasty, love the added eggs!

  2. this is my favorite food...so yummy what would you call this? haha

  3. hmm... I would call it Xa lach bo? hehe ^_^
    I like it with thinly sliced tomatoes too, but didn't have any on hand.

  4. haha i really don't like it with tomatoes..oh im so craving for this right now!! it is oh so delish!! :)
